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On Tue, 04 Apr 2084, by @lucasdicioccio, 95 words, 0 code snippets, 0 links, 0images.

This article is still considered unfinished and content may change significantly.

how i mature code

  • start with a technical type (e.g., foos = Array Foo)
  • manipulate the technical type with setters on enclosing object SetFoos (Array Foo)
  • create an indirection newtype Foos in a module
  • adapt setter to take a Foos
  • move technical manipulation in the module
    • read-wise: reuse names from the container like isEmpty
    • write-wise: collect all SetFoos occurrences with a (params -> Foos -> Foos) function
  • create a datatype for each write-function: Modification
  • create a modify :: Modification -> Foos -> Foos function with all the collected SetFoos
  • replace enclosing object’s handler from SetFoos to ModifyFoo taking a Modification object
  • (optional) trace all ModifyFoo’s Modifications