Some tips
By @lucasdicioccio, 321 words, 9 code snippets, 0 links, 0images.
screencast to mp4 in Ubuntu
If you record your screen with (ctrl+shift+alt+R)
in Ubuntu, you’ll get a webm file, GitHub, iPhones all want mp4. So you need to convert from webm to mp4.
The ffmpeg
command allows such a conversion. As a bonus, Ubuntu’s file
navigator allows to have some right-click scripts shortcuts.
ffmpeg -y -i "${path}" "${path}.mp4"
notify-send "converted ${path}"
You can benefit from contextual menu in Ubuntu’s file navigator. If you drop
the script at a special path like
and do not forget to
make it executable with chmod
As an illustration, you can see a demo screencast showing a conversion to mp4 of the demo screencast.
debian qemu serial
Say you have an .iso
and would like to to nasty things with it, like enable serial console for qemu
. I needed that a while back and found it so hard to collect the right information that I’ve taken notes I swear I never want to lose.
- mount the existing .iso in loop mode on a local dir
mkdir original
mount -o loop $ISO original/
- copy files from local dir to new dir with
mkdir new-iso
rsync -a -H --exclude=TRANS.TBL original new-iso
umount original
- add a serial to
precisely: at the beginning ofisolinux/isolinux.cfg
(1st line after comment)
console serial 0 9600 0
- add a console to
on the kernel parameter append line
- regenerate md5 files inside ./new-iso
cd ./new-iso
md5sum `find -follow -type f` > md5sum.txt
- build a bootable .iso from all this
genisoimage -o $NEWISO -r -J -no-emul-boot -boot-load-size 4 -boot-info-table -b isolinux/isolinux.bin -c isolinux/ ./new-iso
- start a qemu, pay attention to the
qemu-img create -f qcow2 $IMG 5G
qemu-system-x86_64 -nographic \
-m 512 \
-boot d \
-cdrom $NEWISO \
-hda $IMG \
-serial chardev:serial0 \
-chardev socket,id=serial0,path=$UNIXSOCKET,server,nowait \
-net nic,macaddr=52:54:11:22:33:01 \
-net tap,ifname=tap0,script=no,downscript=no
minicom -D unix\#$UNIXSOCKET
Even if I built Postgrest-Table (an UI for PostgREST) I sometimes need to re-learn how to do stuff.
bookmarklet link
The bookmarklet to save is:
Then, from a /
endpoint of your PostgREST service, the bookmarklet will auto-fill the form for you.